Since the id will only be available after a database insert; some flavor of
session.flush() is needed. I like to keep object constructors limited to
actual object construction; so putting it in get_person() after
instantiating the person seems best approach.

Mike Conley

On Mon, Jun 15, 2009 at 4:27 PM, JanW <> wrote:

> I am trying to access an objects primary key either in the constructor
> (preferred) or right after the object is created. And I would like to
> use a scoped session for this. Below is some dummy code to illustrate
> what I'm trying to do.
> I defined the get_person function to first query the database to see
> if the object already exists. If not it creates a new object.
> As is, the code will print 2 lines with in both cases 'None' as id.
> My question is, is there a way to make SA flush this object to the
> database as soon as possible? Making the session autoflush=True does
> not help.
> It does work if I enable the Session.object_session(self).flush() line
> in the constructor or in the get_person function, but this doesn't
> seem like a clean way to do it, especially not in the constructor. Is
> this the correct way to do it or does SA provide another, cleaner way?
> I would have expected autoflush to do this.
> (I can't do session.flush() since in reality session is not in the
> scope of either Person.__init__() or get_person(), they are both
> defined in my module's while session is initialized in the
> script that imports the module.)
> Many thanks,
> Jan.
> ### demo code:
> ######
> from sqlalchemy import *
> from sqlalchemy.orm import *
> # Define SQLite databases
> person_engine  = create_engine('sqlite:///person_db.sqlite')
> # Define database structure
> metadata=MetaData()
> metadata.bind = person_engine
> person_table = Table(
>    'person', metadata,
>    Column('id', Integer, primary_key=True),
>    Column('name', Text),
> )
> person_table.create()
> Session = scoped_session(sessionmaker())
> #Session = scoped_session(sessionmaker(autoflush=True))
> session = Session()
> class Person(object):
>    def __init__(self, name):
> = name
> #        Session.object_session(self).flush()
>        print "In constructor: id=%s"
> person_mapper = Session.mapper(Person, person_table)
> def get_person(name):
>    result = Person.query().filter_by(name=name).first()
>    if not result:
>        result = Person(name)
> #        Session.object_session(result).flush()
>        print "New person made: id=%s, name=%s"%(,
>    return result
> p = get_person("Ed Jones")
> session.commit()
> session.close()
> >

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