seems like you need to use LIMIT/OFFSET to limit the results of your
query.   a paginator object should have some method of providing hooks for

Hollister wrote:
> The bad news with "results = meta.Session.execute(s).fetchall()" is
> that it runs for every page in the paginator, fetching all rows each
> time.
> Thoughts, anyone?
> On Jun 19, 12:17 pm, Hollister <> wrote:
>> Update:
>> If I run:
>>     results = meta.Session.execute(s).fetchall()
>> and pass that to paginate, it works.
>> I guess I just needed the ResultProxy, and not a collection of mapped
>> objects.
>> Mike, if you have any additional insight for me, I would appreciate
>> it.
>> On Jun 19, 11:30 am, Hollister <> wrote:
>> > I have a simple query with a group_by and count(), and I'd like to
>> > pass this to webhelpers.paginate for display:
>> >  def referrers(self):
>> >         s = select([, m.hit_table.c.referer,
>> func.count
>> > (m.Hit.referer).label('count')],
>> >                    from_obj = [m.hit_table],
>> >                    group_by = [m.Hit.referer],
>> >                    order_by = 'count desc')
>> >         query = meta.Session.query(m.Hit).from_statement(s)
>> >         c.paginator = paginate.Page(
>> >             query,
>> >             page = int(request.params.get('page', 1)),
>> >             items_per_page = 50,
>> >         )
>> >         return render('/derived/hits/referrer_list.html')
>> > The sql generated by this is fine:
>> >    SELECT AS hit_id, hit.referer AS hit_referer, count
>> > (hit.referer) AS count
>> >    FROM hit GROUP BY hit.referer ORDER BY count desc
>> > and the results are correct.
>> > When I run this, I get:
>> > Module sqlalchemy.orm.query:1956 in setup_context
>> > <<          context.froms.append(self.selectable)
>> >                if context.order_by is False and self.mapper.order_by:
>> >                    context.order_by = self.mapper.order_by>>  if
>> context.order_by is False and self.mapper.order_by:
>> > AttributeError: 'QueryContext' object has no attribute 'order_by'
>> > This evidently has nothing to do with the query's order_by clause
>> > since I get the same error if I remove it. If I execute the query and
>> > pass the results to paginate:
>> > results = query.all()
>> >         c.paginator = paginate.Page(
>> >             results,
>> >             page = int(request.params.get('page', 1)),
>> >             items_per_page = 50,
>> >         )
>> > I get:
>> > AttributeError: 'Hit' object has no attribute 'count'
>> > Which I guess makes sense, since I don't have that defined in my
>> > class.
>> > What am I doing wrong?
> >

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