Tobias Bell wrote:
> Hello
> after falling in love with SQLAlchemy I'm trying to transform most of
> my raw SQL-Statements into ORM-Queries.
> I'm using cx_Oracle 4.3.3, SQLAlchemy 0.5.4p2 and Oracle
> under Windows XP with Python 2.5.2.
> At the moment I'm stuck with this statement (most columns are replaced
> with `*')
>       -- D) stack_id select
>       SELECT  *
>               FROM pe_statushistory
>          WHERE stack_id = :stack_id
>       UNION ALL
>       -- C) IN-Clause with subselect
>       SELECT  *
>               FROM pe_statushistory
>          WHERE msg_detail2 IN (
>                    -- A) Document subselect
>                                SELECT fndoc_id
>                                  FROM pe_process p
>                                 WHERE p.stack_id = :stack_id AND fndoc_id IS 
>                                UNION ALL
>                  -- B) Process subselect
>                                SELECT fndoc_id
>                                  FROM pe_document d
>                                 WHERE d.stack_id = :stack_id AND fndoc_id IS 
>       ORDER BY dbtime DESC, logtime DESC
> The transformation looks like this
>         # A)
>         fdoc_id_from_doc = self.session.query
> (pe_model.Document.fndoc_id)\
>             .filter(pe_model.Document.stack_id == stack_id)\
>             .filter(pe_model.Document.fndoc_id != None)
>               # B)
>         fdoc_id_from_proc = self.session.query
> (pe_model.Process.fndoc_id)\
>             .filter(pe_model.Process.stack_id == stack_id)\
>             .filter(pe_model.Process.fndoc_id != None)
>         doc_id_sub = fdoc_id_from_doc.union_all(fdoc_id_from_proc)
>         # C)
>         history_from_fdoc_id = self.session.query
> (pe_model.StatusHistory)\
>             .filter(pe_model.StatusHistory.msg_detail2.in_
> (doc_id_sub))
>               # D)
>         history = self.session.query(pe_model.StatusHistory)\
>             .filter(pe_model.StatusHistory.stack_id == stack_id)\
>             .union_all(history_from_fdoc_id)
> The generated SQL-Statement looks good
>>>> print history
> SELECT anon1.*
>           FROM "POSTEINGANG_ADM".pe_statushistory
>          WHERE "POSTEINGANG_ADM".pe_statushistory.stack_id
> = :stack_id_1
>         UNION ALL
>         SELECT *
>           FROM "POSTEINGANG_ADM".pe_statushistory
>          WHERE "POSTEINGANG_ADM".pe_statushistory.msg_detail2 IN (
>                    SELECT anon_2.fndoc_id
>                      FROM (SELECT
> "POSTEINGANG_ADM".pe_document.fndoc_id
>                                                                     AS
> fndoc_id
>                              FROM "POSTEINGANG_ADM".pe_document
>                             WHERE
> "POSTEINGANG_ADM".pe_document.stack_id =
> :stack_id_2
>                               AND
> "POSTEINGANG_ADM".pe_document.fndoc_id IS NOT NULL
>                            UNION ALL
>                            SELECT
> "POSTEINGANG_ADM".pe_process.fndoc_id
>                                                                     AS
> fndoc_id
>                              FROM "POSTEINGANG_ADM".pe_process
>                             WHERE
> "POSTEINGANG_ADM".pe_process.stack_id =
> :stack_id_3
>                               AND
> "POSTEINGANG_ADM".pe_process.fndoc_id IS NOT NULL) anon_2)) anon_1
> ORDER BY anon_1.dbtime, anon_1.logtime
> When pasted into Toad or SQLPlus the result are expected and match.
> But
>>>> history.all()
> [None]
> How can I help SQLAlchemy to map the results into instances of the
> mapped class pe_model.StatusHistory?
> Regards
> Tobias Bell

When doing a straight session.query() for full mapped instances (i.e. not
individual columns), the mapper only generates instances for rows which
have a full non-null primary key value represented in its columns,
otherwise the row is skipped.   You can make this more lenient by setting
"allow_null_pks=True" on your mapper(), which will allow partially null
primary keys to still be recognized as PKs.  In version 6 this flag will
be on by default.

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