well instead of returning an iterable array of Articles, its just
returning a single Article

On Jul 15, 10:17 am, "Michael Bayer" <mike...@zzzcomputing.com> wrote:
> The Devil's Programmer wrote:
> > using add_column does not seem to work the same as including both
> > items in the query [like below]
> > query = meta.Session.query(Article,
> > comment_count_subquery.c.article_comment_count)
> > it does not return an iterable result
> > is there any way to add subqueries to the query after the query has
> > been created, that replicates the functionality you would expect if
> > you had included both items in the initial query() call?
> add_column().  If you can be more specific what "does not seem to work the
> same", that would help.
> > On Jul 15, 9:05 am, "Michael Bayer" <mike...@zzzcomputing.com> wrote:
> >> The Devil's Programmer wrote:
> >> > I can do this -
> >> > comment_count_subquery = meta.Session.query(Comment.article_id,
> >> > func.count('*').label('article_comment_count')).group_by
> >> > (Comment.article_id).subquery()
> >> > query = meta.Session.query(Article,
> >> > comment_count_subquery.c.article_comment_count)
> >> > but when I do it like this -
> >> > query = meta.Session.query(Article)
> >> > comment_count_subquery = meta.Session.query(Comment.article_id,
> >> > func.count('*').label('article_comment_count')).group_by
> >> > (Comment.article_id).subquery()
> >> > query.add_entity(comment_count_subquery.c.article_comment_count)
> >> you'd want "add_column()" to add a column after the fact to a Query.
> >> add_entity() and add_column() are both a little old school.
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