Thank you!  That tuple thing was a fail on my part, clearly.

Doing it exactly as you describe still doesn't get things to be, for
lack of a better term, correlated.

This, however, achieves what I want:


This seems no different than the filter based approach outlined in the
initial code.   Is this not the point of correlated sub queries, or am
I missing something?  If so, how do I achieve it?

Thanks again, for all the help, and for making SqlA such a great (and
powerful!) product.



On Fri, Jul 24, 2009 at 11:59 AM, Michael Bayer<> wrote:
> Gregg Lind wrote:
>> session.query(Route.ts,Route.startpoint,,func.max(Route.hop_id).label('max_hop'))\
>>         .group_by(Route.ts,Route.startpoint,
>>     q =
>> session.query(Route,sq.c.max_hop).join(sq,sq.c.max_hop==Route.hop_id)
>>     q.all()
> join takes tuples in this form:
> join((sq,sq.c.max_hop==Route.hop_id))
> >

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