Michael Bayer schrieb:
> robert rottermann wrote:
>> hi there,
>> how can an instance of a class with a Table bound to it
>> access the values of the values of "its" db record?
>> what I would like to do is something like the following:
>> class company(Base):
>>   __table__ = 'tblCompany'
>>   ...
>>   def listAssignedProducts(self):
>>      print assigned products
>> class tblProducts_kl(Base2):
>>     '''
>>     User item kl class
>>     '''
>>     __tablename__ = 'tblProducts_kl'
>>     companies = relation(
>>         'tblCompany',
>>         secondary=tables2['tblProductsSupplier_kl'],
>>         backref="related_klProducts",
>>     )
>>     def assignMyselfToCompany(self, company_id):
>>         # add my self to company
>>         company = getCompanyByIs(company_id)
>>      now how do I proceed from here?
> why not use query() to find the company you're looking for ?
sorry that I was not clear enough.

I do get company easily (using a query)
but I want to know the id of the product from within

using the instance it is easy to get at the id like so:
product_id = tblProducts_kl().id

this product_id I would like to get from within a method of the tblProducts_kl
class definition of so I can tell a tblProducts_kl instance to associate itself
with a company. For this the method assignMyselfToCompany method needs to know
the product_id of the instance  for which it is called.

I could do it like this
class tblProducts_kl(Base2):
  def assignMyselfToCompany(self, product_id, company_id):
    product =  session.query(tblProducts_kl).\
      filter(tblProducts_kl.__table__.c.id ==product_id).all()[0]
    company = session.query(tblCompany).\

product = tblProducts_kl()
product.assignMyselfToCompany(product.id, company_id)

however I would like to change the assignMyselfToCompany method in a way that I
could achieve the same with:

product = tblProducts_kl()

thanks again

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