rajasekhar911 wrote:
> Hi
> I am facing a different problem in inheritance.
> I am using the single table inheritance through declarative.
> http://www.sqlalchemy.org/docs/05/reference/ext/declarative.html#single-table-inheritance
> b=Base()
> b.id='xxx'
> b.name='xxx'
> b.type='type1'
> I am manually setting the type column of my base class.
> but when i try to commit,it gives the IntegrityError
> base.type may not be NULL u'INSERT INTO bases (id, name, type,
> address, login, password) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)' ['xxx', 'xxx',
> None, None, 'xxx','xxx']

it sounds like your configuration is missing polymorphic_on.   you can't
manually set the "type" column.

> I checked this thread,
> http://groups.google.com/group/sqlalchemy/browse_thread/thread/c646007dce37b11a
> but I dont have access to the subclass to set the __class__

it sounds like you may be using single table inheritance for a purpose
which it was not designed.  If you don't the desired subclass available at
the time of Session.add(), then you don't really need class inheritance in
any case.  Also I dont really understand what "I don't have access" means,
if you were able to map the class then you should be able to import it.  
If you just dont "know" what type "x" links to what class, store them in a
dict somewhere.

> >

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