They differ mainly on 'new' stuff (where new is anything < 15 years
old!) but for the kind of SELECT queries generated by SA we haven't
seen any problems at all (yet!). We decided to go ahead and use the
mssql dialect for read-only apps and postpone the remaining work on
the Sybase dialect on top of sybasect until we run into the limitation
of the mssql dialect.


On Aug 6, 8:47 pm, Michael Bayer <> wrote:
> On Aug 6, 2009, at 8:39 PM, wrote:
> > Thanks for the information Mike. I do have a listener in place already
> > but decided to poke in the configuration directly when creating the
> > engine:
> > 'connect_args' : {'autocommit' : True,
> >                          }
> > I found some very interesting results by experimenting with vanilla
> > pyodbc and SA and seeing how they impacted the Sybase transaction log.
> > Two transaction log IOs *per query* (one for BEGINXACT and one for
> > ENDXACT) would have devastating performance impact. However, it seems
> > that these are taken care of by the Sybase User Log Cache (ULC) (or
> > some other as yet unknown mechanism) otherwise we would surely have
> > noticed their impact.
> > I will do some more testing on this tomorrow and followup with a
> > summary. Auto-wrapping SA models over several thousand tables across
> > hundreds of databases across dozens of dataservers has certainly
> > brought up some interesting stuff!
> oh, sybase.  Youre using MSSQL dialect to talk to both huh ? :)    
> interesting do you think sybase and MSSQL should inherit from some  
> common base ?   not surprising you're having probs with that.
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