
On Aug 7, 12:36 pm, werner <wbru...@free.fr> wrote:
> Allen,
> allen.fowler wrote:
> > On Aug 6, 6:54 pm, AF <allen.fow...@yahoo.com> wrote:
> >> Hello all,
> >> Has anyone here used the "sqlamp: Materialized Path for SQLAlchemy"
> >> library?
> >> I am wondering:
> >> 1) Does it seem to work well?
> >> 2) Did you use it with Declarative Base, and if so, how did you
> >> configure it?
> > Anybody?
> > Specifically, I am wondering about how adapt the sample code at:
> >http://sqlamp.angri.ru/#quickstart
> > ... so that it works with declarative base.
> I haven't used this library and I am no SA expert so take the following
> with a grain (or two) of salt.
> I would translate this:
> class Node(object):
>     mp = sqlamp.MPManager(
>         node_table, node_table.c.id, node_table.c.parent_id
>     )
> To:
> class Node(Base):
>     __table__ = sa.Table(u'node', metadata,
>     sa.Column(u'id', sa.Integer(), sa.Sequence('gen_sample_id'), 
> primary_key=True, nullable=False),
>     sa.Column(u'parent_id', sa.Integer(), sa.ForeignKey(u'node.id')),
> ...
>     )
>     mp = sqlamp.MPManager(
>         __table__, __table__.c.id, __table__.c.parent_id)
> Werner

Thank you...

Though, that does not look at all like typical Declarative Base code
I've seen / been using.  Why the explicit assignment to __table__?

Further, where does the "extension=[Node.mp.mapper_extension]" binding

Thank you again,
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