the most APIish way to do that would be using merge().

the sneaky way would be to tap into the "connection_callable" argument  
that the sharded session uses.    you'd have to read the source to to see what thats about.

On Aug 12, 2009, at 7:13 PM, wrote:

> One of the very nice things about using SQLAlchemy is that since so
> much of the grunt-work is taken care of for you, it gives you the
> opportunity to come up with (potentially) hare-brained schemes like
> the one I just thought of. We would like to do reading of data with
> one set of logins and do writing with another. The reader 'binds' are
> pretty straightforward but the writer binds vary quite a bit from
> database to database and platform to platform (we have integrated
> security on some OS/dataserver/drivers/languages) The idea I have is
> to maintain a writer session with the specialized engine bindings and
> have the reader session copy any dirty data over to it at commit/
> flush  time (I got the idea from the thread on this group entitled
> "Updating database after after_insert()"). Is this a total kludge? Has
> anyone tried to do something like this already?
> thanks very much.
> pjjH
> >

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