I have a relatively, (at least I think), straightforward question that
I've been having a difficult time tracking down an answer to.

I have Groups that have Users that have Tasks and I want to write one
query that gives me the group's users, and each user's incomplete

Is there a common idiom for accomplishing this?

I was expecting there would be a way for me to do this by eagerloading
User.tasks and then applying a filter, but I haven't found anything
like this in the documentation. Another thought was I could write a
query that returned tuples like (User, [task, task, task]), with the
tasks being incomplete tasks of the user. I can write the sql for this
scenario easily, I just want a way to neatly map it to python objects.
I'm pretty sure I could figure out how to accomplish this in the
mapper. but I would prefer to do this with a query

I'm sure this is easy. Apologies if this question is answered
somewhere in the documentation, I just couldn't find it there and
Google wasn't too helpful.

- Sean

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