droolz wrote:
> mapper(ArkInvoice, invoices_table, properties={
>     'entries': relation(ArkInvoiceEntry,
> secondary=invoice_entries_primary_table, backref='invoice',
> cascade="all, delete, delete-orphan"),
>     'user': relation(ArkUsers, backref='user'),
>     'child_invoices':relation(ArkInvoice,
>                               backref=backref('parent_invoice',
> remote_side=[invoices_table.c.id]),
>                               cascade="all",
>                               lazy=False,
>                               join_depth=3)
> })
> The idea behind this is that invoices can have a hierarchy, and some
> invoices are effectively parented under a parent invoice. This
> parenting only ever needs to be one level deep.
> The problem I'm having is child_invoices works fine for the parent
> ArkInvoice object, however none of the children seem to receive a
> backref, in so much as type(invoiceObject.parent_invoice) is a
> 'NoneType', yet I would expect it to return the parent arkInvoice
> obhject.

the mapping seems perfect to me.  parent_invoice would only be None for
the actual parent.  perhaps there's some issue with your usage.   check
your SQL echoing to make sure things are as expected.

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