I m still having problems with this vertical partitioning malarky (I
think the previous problem was due to a redundant copy of one of the
tables existing in the wrong database) , and it seems to currently be
when I have a secondary table involved between the two vertical

engine1 = create_engine(database_string)
engine2 = create_engine(database_string2)

Base = declarative_base()
metadata = Base.metadata

celllines_table = Table("celllines", metadata,
                        Column("cellline_id", String(14), primary_key=True),
                        Column("name", Text)

celllines_to_species_table = Table("cll2spe_table", metadata,
                                   Column("cellline_id", String(14),
                                   Column("taxa_id", Integer,

species_table = Table('taxonomy_species', metadata,
                      Column('taxa_id', Integer, primary_key=True),
                      Column('rank', Text)
celllines_to_species_table.create(bind = engine1)
celllines_table.create(bind = engine1)

mapper(Taxa, species_table)
mapper(CellLine, celllines_table, properties = {

"species":relation(Taxa, secondary=celllines_to_species_table)

Session = sessionmaker(twophase=True)
Session.configure(binds={Taxa:engine2, CellLine:engine1})

So when I try to access the species, the following queries are issued ....

2009-08-18 13:49:51,150 INFO sqlalchemy.engine.base.Engine.0x...77d0 XA BEGIN %s
2009-08-18 13:49:51,151 INFO sqlalchemy.engine.base.Engine.0x...77d0
2009-08-18 13:49:51,152 INFO sqlalchemy.engine.base.Engine.0x...77d0
SELECT celllines.cellline_id AS celllines_cellline_id, celllines.name
AS celllines_name
FROM celllines
WHERE celllines.cellline_id = %s
 LIMIT 0, 2000
2009-08-18 13:49:51,152 INFO sqlalchemy.engine.base.Engine.0x...77d0
CellLine_51622009-08-18 13:49:51,246 INFO
sqlalchemy.engine.base.Engine.0x...7c10 XA BEGIN %s
2009-08-18 13:49:51,246 INFO sqlalchemy.engine.base.Engine.0x...7c10
2009-08-18 13:49:51,249 INFO sqlalchemy.engine.base.Engine.0x...7c10
SELECT taxonomy_species.taxa_id AS taxonomy_species_taxa_id,
taxonomy_species.rank AS taxonomy_species_rank
FROM taxonomy_species, cll2spe_table
WHERE %s = cll2spe_table.cellline_id AND taxonomy_species.taxa_id =
2009-08-18 13:49:51,249 INFO sqlalchemy.engine.base.Engine.0x...7c10

With nothing in the species......I can't understand whats going on ...
my only thought is that cll2spe_table isn't being found correctly. Is
there something going wrong. I am using 0.5.3 of SQLAlchemy.

Any help greatly appreciated yet again,

PS I continued the old thread as its still regarding the same
topic...I hope this is ok.

2009/8/14 Michael Bayer <mike...@zzzcomputing.com>:
> Nathan Harmston wrote:
>> HI,
>> I m currently trying to vertical partition my database and I have
>> split it into two groups of tables (say { documents, table1, table2 }
>> and { table3 }.
>> So I have
>> s_engine = create_engine(t_database_string)#, echo=True)
>> #echo="debug")#, echo=True)
>> t_engine = create_engine(t_database_string)
>> Base = declarative_base()
>> metadata = Base.metadata
>> documents = Table("documents', metadata,
>>       Column("document_id", Integer, primary_key = True),
>> }
>> table1 = Table("table1", metadata,
>>                        Column("interval_id", Integer, primary_key=True),
>>                       Column("document_id", Integer,
>> ForeignKey("documents.document_id")),
>> )
>> table3 = Table("table3", metadata,
>>  Column("foo_id", Integer, primary_key = True),
>> )
>> table2 = Table("table2", metadata,
>>  Column("id", Integer, primary_key = True),
>>  Column("interval_id", Integer, ForeignKey("table1.interval__id"))
>>  Column("foo_id", Integer, ForeignKey("table3.foo_id"))
>> )
>> secondary = table1.join(table2,
>> onclause=table1.c.interval_id==table2.c.interval_id).alias("spe_join")
>> table3.create(bind=t_engine)
>> ........ etc
>> mapper(Foo, table3)
>> mapper(Document, documents_table, properties={
>>                                           "foos":relation(Foo,
>> primaryjoin=documents_table.c.document_id ==
>> secondary.c.intervals_document_id,
>> secondaryjoin=secondary.c.table2_foo_id == table3.c.foo_id,
>>                                                                viewonly =
>> True,
>> secondary=secondary)
>>                                          })
>> session = sessionmaker(binds={Document:s_engine, Foo:t_engine})
>> however what happens is that it complains about the foos relation in
>> that it says that
>> sqlalchemy.exc.ArgumentError: Could not determine relation direction
>> for secondaryjoin condition 'spe_join.table2_foo_id = foo.foo_id', on
>> relation Document.foos. Specify the foreign_keys argument to indicate
>> which columns on the relation are foreign.
>> When I had all the tables in the same database I had no problems
>> involving having to specify foreign keys. What does SQLalchemy do it
>> the background here? Is my problem that it doesnt know that table3 is
>> accessed via the t_engine. How can I make it explicitly know this
>> here? I have tried using different metadata bindings but to no good.
>> Any pointers/help would be greatly appreciated?
> once I fix all the typos in your example it works fine in the latest
> release of SQLAlchemy.   in theory its looking to know that both columns
> in "secondary" are foreign and wants you to specify that...but this should
> not be necessary based on the example.
> >

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