On Saturday 22 August 2009 01.08:05 David Bolen wrote:
> Adrian von Bidder <avbid...@fortytwo.ch> writes:
> > Ideas & comments?
> For what it's worth, I'd think that the best sort of audit would be
> something done in the database itself, since it would audit any
> changes whether done through any interface.

Yes and no...

I see your point (and since I know pg better than sqla/python I'd probably 
even be quicker doing it in SQL), but the application has more knowledge 
about what's going on.

My "audit" table should not just version the db content, but I plan to 
record additional stuff that comes from the application (like: who 
authorized the change? etc.) which is not readily available at the db level.

(And then there's the fact that I'm writing this toy project to learn about 
sqlalchemy, so going ahead and writing an SQL audit trail framework misses 
this goal completely :-)

-- vbi
(Off to play around with SeesionExtension some more ...)

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