On Aug 23, 2009, at 4:03 AM, Alexander Lebedev wrote:

> Great thanks for the answer.
> But if these object are already in my session? For example, I create  
> a query, get some related objects from the query. Then the user  
> modifies all objects, but he decides to save only one object, while  
> remaining objects must be changed (user may decide to save this  
> changes later, after some minutes, or he may decide cancel the  
> changes for unsaved objects). What can I do in this situation?

the Session and the objects attached to it essentially represent a  
live conversation with a transaction.   if you have some kind of GUI  
application with many elements that can be saved distinctly, I'd leave  
them out of a session during use (they can be removed with expunge()),  
or you can use a separate Session that is just for "persist"  
operations - if the model you're seeking is that of, "user wants to  
save - open a new transaction, save object, commit transaction", I  
might use merge() on the second session to merge the given state with  
what's currently in the database - that at least allows your orginal  
object to stay in its original session, although you might want to  
refresh the original session if new state has been persisted from a  
concurrent transaction.   You should consider the effects of  
concurrent transactions in your application, i.e. if the user has an  
object on his screen for five minutes and in that time someone else  
commits changes, how would you like to deal with that ?  etc.

another method which might be more appropriate is one Session per  
"thing the user wants to save".  Such as if I had three windows open,  
each with a "save" button, I'd use a distinct Session for each  
window.    this might be more appropriate depending on what you're  
doing.  again its a question of how you want the objects to interact  
within a transaction (or not).

yet another way would be to have the state of the GUI represented by a  
different set of objects entirely, which "proxy" their state to an ORM  
mapped and session-bound object at the point at which they want to  
persist their state.    this requires some more complex construction  
up front but would probably be very easy to use after that point.

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