thanks for these answers

On Aug 26, 3:42 pm, Mike Conley <mconl...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Look at the generated SQL. The Python DBAPI uses one INSERT statement for
> all rows inserted when using executemany(). In this case,
> INSERT INTO test (col1, col2) VALUES (?, ?)
> SA created the column list from the first set of values provided to
> i.insert(), and so supplied a NULL value for col2 in the second row. SA had
> no choice, the code must provide values for each column and since your code
> did not supply a value, SA used None.
> i.execute([{"col1" : 2, "col2" : 5}, {"col1" : 1}])
> x...94f0 INSERT INTO test (col1, col2) VALUES (?, ?)
> x...94f0 [[2, 5], [1, None]]
> x...94f0 COMMIT
> Implied rule is: when inserting many records, provide same value list for
> each row.
> --
> Mike Conley
> On Wed, Aug 26, 2009 at 5:36 AM, menuge <men...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > Hi all,
> > I d like to insert a list of dictionary in a simple MySQL table but, I
> > have a problem, in my case, the MySQL default values are not
> > supported...
> > The table is very simple; 2 columns and a default value on the col2:
> > ######
> > CREATE TABLE `test` (
> >  `col1` int(11) default NULL,
> >  `col2` int(11) default '3'
> > )
> > ######
> > Here is the python code:
> > ##################################
> > from sqlalchemy import *
> > db = create_engine("mysql://r...@localhost/test")
> > meta = MetaData(db)
> > meta.echo = True
> > table = Table("test", meta, autoload=True)
> > i = table.insert()
> > i.execute([{"col1" : 2, "col2" : 5}, {"col1" : 1}])
> > print list(db.execute("SELECT * FROM test"))
> > ##################################
> > The result is:
> > [(2L, 5L), (1L, None)]
> > I don't understand... In my opinion, the result should be: [(2L, 5L),
> > (1L, 3L)]
> > I use Python 2.5.2 and sqlalchemy 0.4.7
> > Can someone help me please?
> > thks
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