OK, I can mostly answer my own question

q = session.query(USER.email, subq).join((subq, USER.userid==subq.c.userid))

gives the desired SQL

But what if I have a real requirement to retrieve the email address last in
the row?

q = session.query(subq,USER.email).join((USER, USER.userid==subq.c.userid))
q = session.query(subq,USER.email).join((subq, USER.userid==subq.c.userid))

both complain
AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'base_mapper'

Probably because the subq is first in the list and is not an entity

Mike Conley

On Thu, Aug 27, 2009 at 5:05 PM, Mike Conley <mconl...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Assuming a declarative based class USER exists, then you can join each of
> the queries q1, q2, q3 to USER like this:
> q1 = session.query(P1.userid,P1.extra,P1.title,P1.body,USER.email)
> q1 = q1.join((USER,USER.userid==P1.userid))
> q2 = session.query(P2.userid,"'X'",P2.title,P2.body,USER.email)
> q2 = q2.join((USER,USER.userid==P2.userid))
> q3 = session.query(P3.userid,"'X'",P3.title,P3.body,USER.email)
> q3 = q3.join((USER,USER.userid==P3.userid))
> q=q1.union_all(q2,q3)
> Not a very elegant solution, and probably leads to an inefficient query
> plan in many databases.
> Can anyone tell us how to join the result of union_all with another table?
> Probably a subquery()?
> Effectively:
> -  create q1, q2, q3 as selects from P1, P2, P# as in original solution
> -  combine q1, q2, q3 with a union_all()
> -  add column USER.email to the query
> -  join resulting query to USER based on userid column in the union_all
> statement
> SQL would look something like this:
> SELECT qry.a, qry.b, qry.c, user.x
> FROM (SELECT a,b,c FROM p1
> UNION ALL SELECT a,b,c FROM p3) as qry
> JOIN USER on qry.a = USER.a
> but I can't seem to get this result in SQLAlchemy
> --
> Mike Conley

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