Either of these works for the individual queries, but when combined in the
union() or union_all() the result is still that the literal from the first
query is used on all result rows

q1 = session.query(A.data.label('somedata'), literal('A').label('source'))
q2 = session.query(B.data.label('somedata'), literal('B').label('source'))
qry = q1.union(q2)
generates the SQL
    SELECT anon_1.somestuff AS somestuff, ? AS source
    FROM (SELECT a.data AS somestuff, ? AS source
    FROM a UNION ALL SELECT b.data AS somestuff, ? AS source
    FROM b) AS anon_1
with bind parameters
    ['A', 'A', 'B']

q1 = session.query(A.data.label('somedata'),
q2 = session.query(B.data.label('somedata'),
qry = q1.union(q2)
generates the SQL
    SELECT anon_1.somestuff AS somestuff, 'A' AS source
    FROM (SELECT a.data AS somestuff, 'A' AS source
    FROM a UNION SELECT b.data AS somestuff, 'B' AS source
    FROM b) AS anon_1

The correct code would be
    SELECT anon_1.somestuff AS somestuff, anon_1.source AS source

Mike Conley

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