Okay. I believe this is my mistake. I just wrote a simple test program
and saw that the other threads should not see o1 or o2 until commit
since I am using scoped_session. I guess there is another reason for
the behavior I am seeing.

On Aug 28, 10:05 pm, gizli <mehm...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi all,
> I have a pretty basic question about autoflush that I could not find
> an answer to. By default, in sessionmaker, this is set to true.
> However, I have this basic scenario where my transaction involves
> inserting objects into session and querying for some others:
> add(o1)
> query(SomeObject)
> add(o2)
> commit()
> While this transaction is going on, I dont want any of the other
> threads to see o1.  Only after commit, both objects should be
> visible.
> Does that mean i need to set autoflush to false? Is there any
> disadvantage of doing so since this is the default setting?
> Thanks.
> On a related note, the reason why I do not want o1 to appear in the
> database without o2 is because they are dependent from the UI point of
> view (the rendering page needs an o2 if an o1 is present). Does that
> mean they should have been modeled using relations and inserted using
> relations as well? That would mean doing the query before o1 and
> building o1,o2 together and that would avoid this issue. Is this why I
> am running into these problems that seem trivial w.r.t. autoflush?
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