
Michael Bayer schrieb:
> its not built into Query() at the moment so the closest you could get  
> would be query.from_statement(some_statement).   you can probably go  
> from query->select()->back to query again doing something like this:
> q = query.<build up your query>
> session.query(...).from_statement(q.statement.prefix_with 
> On Aug 29, 2009, at 2:47 AM, robert rottermann wrote:
>> Michael Bayer schrieb:
>>> use the "prefixes" argument to select() for this.
>> thanks very much.
>> it it possible to use this somehow with session.query?
>> I do not use select at all, but do construct the queries dynamically  
>> like so:
>>        q = session.query(tblNewsletteremail)
>>        c = tblNewsletteremail.__table__.c
>>        for k,v in info.items():
>>            if isinstance(v, tuple):
>>                op, v = v
>>                if op == 'like':
>>                    q = q.filter(c[k].like('%' + v + '%'))
>>                if op == 'in':
>>                    q = q.filter(c[k].in_(v))
>>            else:
>>                q = q.filter(c[k] == v)
>>        if order_by:
>>            for e in order_by:
>>                q = q.order_by(c[e])
>>        if limit:
>>            q = q.limit(limit)
>>        result = q.all()
>> now I would like to "apply" SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS to the query object  
>> before
>> executing it. is this possible?
>> thanks again
>> robert
>>> On Aug 23, 2009, at 4:23 PM, robert rottermann wrote:
>>>> Hi there,
>>>> I would like to create a batching functionality for a web based
>>>> aplication that
>>>> uses a mysql database.
>>>> mysql offeres SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS for this purpose.
>>>> how can I use it, or is there a generic way to have sqlalchemy
>>>> return the number
>>>> of rows a query would have returned without limit.
>>>> thanks
>>>> robert
> > 

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