Keyword.cookbooks ??
there is no Keyword.cookbooks defined in the example... I could
imagine it, but its not there as is

Session.query(Keyword) is straightforward.. thats the same for any

"a specific Cookbook as parent".. I dont know about parents, or
specific parents, yet

I imagined that with the many-to-many defined, I could say
"all cookbooks with this keyword"
"all keywords in this cookbook"

but I dont get that yet...

On Aug 30, 5:26 pm, Michael Bayer <> wrote:
> On Aug 30, 2009, at 8:02 PM, darkblueB wrote:
> > Session.query(Cookbook.keywords).all()
> > but that generates only
> > Session.query(Cookbook.keywords).all()
> that is somewhat similar to a nonexistent feature which is considered  
> in ticket 1328, but that feature applies only to many-to-ones.   If  
> you want a list of Keyword objects, you need to say Session.query
> (Keyword).   If you're looking to automatically create a join to the  
> parent, the most common way is to navigate along a backref (such as  
> "Keyword.cookbooks").   If you wanted to specify a specific Cookbook  
> as parent you can also use query.with_parent(some_cookbook, "keywords").
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