An update on the above,

I goofed with subclassing since I had various interesting things in
PYTHONPATH which caused issues. My original architecture question
still applies tho.


On Aug 31, 4:43 pm, Dimitri Tcaciuc <> wrote:
> I'm working with SQLite databases located on NFS mount which is
> proving to be too slow. However, since the access is mostly read-only,
> when local disk space allows for that, I can make a copy of the
> database in the temp space and work with it instead.
> I'd like to do it as nonintrusive as possible, yet fairly explicit. My
> question is what part of SQLA framework makes most sense to extend/sub-
> class for that purpose? I'm having hard time deciding what object
> should be responsible for the lifetime of that cache. My best guess
> is, conceptually, Session is the closest one, however I'm also
> considering Engine objects.
> My plan was that when an engine gets bound to session, I perform the
> database copy and create another engine which actually binds. When the
> session expires, temporary database is collected. But at this point,
> trying to make a simple Session subclass like so:
>     from sqlalchemy.orm.session import Session
>     from sqlalchemy.orm import sessionmaker
>     def CachedSession(Session):
>         pass
>     MySession = sessionmaker(class_=CachedSession)
> results in metaclass conflict, so I'm not sure how to proceed here.
> Does the whole thing even make sense and maybe there's a better way to
> do this? My constraint is that I need to stick to SQLite for various
> other reason, which is not directly related to the discussion.
> Thanks,
> Dimitri.
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