Conor wrote:
> Hello:
> I am trying to build a complicated relation, but am having trouble due
> to the following:
> * there are multiple intermediate tables involved
> * the relation requires EXISTS clauses as the join condition between
> several of these tables
> My model is shown below. The relation I am trying to build is
> RunFilter.matching_runs, which is effectively a many-to-many
> relationship between RunFilter and Run. Currently, I'm using raw SQL
> to model this relationship, as shown at the end of the example.
> Ideally, I would like to build this relationship on top of other
> relationships, so that RunFilter.matching_runs would use
> RunFilter.var_clauses.any() and VarClause.matching_run_items.any() in
> its join condition, and VarClause.matching_run_items would use
> VarClause.values.any(). I realize that SQLAlchemy does not support
> this because mapper properties are not compiled in any predictable
> order, but it would be nice.

have you considered the advice at
?    an embedded EXISTS subquery in a relation() doesn't seem like
something that should be emitted implicitly - hand-constructing the
appropriate Query on a case by case basis would lead to better results.

> import sqlalchemy as sa
> from sqlalchemy.ext.associationproxy import association_proxy
> from sqlalchemy.ext.declarative import declarative_base
> import sqlalchemy.orm as orm
> from sqlalchemy.orm.collections import attribute_mapped_collection
> Base = declarative_base()
> # Association tables
> var_clause_to_value = sa.Table("var_clause_to_value", Base.metadata,
>     sa.Column("value_id", sa.Integer, sa.ForeignKey(""),
> primary_key=True),
>     sa.Column("var_clause_id", sa.Integer, sa.ForeignKey
> (""), primary_key=True))
> # Entities
> class Variable(Base):
>     __tablename__ = "variable"
>     # Fields
>     id = sa.Column(sa.Integer, primary_key=True)
>     # In the real world, we would have a `name` attribute as well, but
> it's not
>     # important for this example.
>     # Relations
>     values = orm.relation("Value")
> class Value(Base):
>     """
>     Each variable can be attached to zero or more values.
>     """
>     __tablename__ = "value"
>     # Fields
>     id = sa.Column(sa.Integer, primary_key=True)
>     variable_id = sa.Column(sa.Integer, sa.ForeignKey(""),
>                             nullable=False)
>     # In the real world, we would have a `name` attribute as well, but
> it's not
>     # important for this example.
>     # Relations
>     variable = orm.relation("Variable")
> class Run(Base):
>     """
>     A run consists of a combination of inputs (variable=value pairs)
> and an
>     output (result).
>     """
>     __tablename__ = "run"
>     def __str__(self):
>         return "run%d" %
>     # Fields
>     id = sa.Column(sa.Integer, primary_key=True)
>     result = sa.Column(sa.Unicode, nullable=False)
>     # Relations
>     var2item = orm.relation("RunItem",
> collection_class=attribute_mapped_collection("variable"))
>     var2value = association_proxy(
>         "var2item",
>         "value",
>         creator=lambda var, value: RunItem(value=value, variable=var))
> class RunItem(Base):
>     """
>     A single variable=value pair for a given run.
>     """
>     __tablename__ = "run_item"
>     # Fields
>     run_id = sa.Column(sa.Integer, sa.ForeignKey(""),
> primary_key=True)
>     value_id = sa.Column(sa.Integer, sa.ForeignKey(""),
> primary_key=True)
>     variable_id = sa.Column(sa.Integer, sa.ForeignKey(""),
> primary_key=True)
>     # Relations
>     run = orm.relation("Run")
>     value = orm.relation("Value")
>     variable = orm.relation("Variable")
> class RunFilter(Base):
>     """
>     A user-defined query for runs. For example, if you want to find
> all runs
>     where var1=value1 and var2=value2, you could use::
>     >>> filter = RunFilter(var_clauses=[VarClause(variable=var1,
> values=[value1]),
>     ...                                 VarClause(variable=var2,
> values=[value2])])
>     Note that for a run filter to match a run, *all* of its var
> clauses have
>     to be satisfied.
>     """
>     __tablename__ = "run_filter"
>     def __str__(self):
>         return "run_filter%d" %
>     # Fields
>     id = sa.Column(sa.Integer, primary_key=True)
>     # Relations
>     var_clauses = orm.relation("VarClause")
>     # Desired SQL for `matching_runs`:
>     # (assume `run` and `run_filter` are correlated to an outer query)
>     # NOT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM var_clause
>     #             WHERE var_clause.run_filter_id =
>     #             AND NOT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM run_item
>     #                             WHERE run_item.variable_id =
> var_clause.variable_id
>     #                             AND EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM
> var_clause_to_value
>     #                                         WHERE
> var_clause_to_value.var_clause_id =
>     #                                         AND
> var_clause_to_value.value_id = run_item.value_id)))
>     #
>     # I would like to define this relation as (using `if False` to
> effectively
>     # comment it out but retain syntax highlighting):
>     if False:
>         def _primaryjoin():
>             return ~RunFilter.var_clauses.any(
>                 ~VarClause.matching_run_items.any(RunItem.run_id ==
>         matching_runs = orm.relation("Value",
> primaryjoin=_primaryjoin)
>         del _primaryjoin
> class VarClause(Base):
>     """
>     A VarClause matches a RunItem iff:
>     * RunItem.variable_id == VarClause.variable_id
>     * AND RunItem.value in VarClause.values
>     Essentially it is saying "Run.var2value[var1] = value1
>                               OR Run.var2value[var1] = value2
>                               OR ...".
>     """
>     __tablename__ = "var_clause"
>     # Fields
>     id = sa.Column(sa.Integer, primary_key=True)
>     run_filter_id = sa.Column(sa.Integer, sa.ForeignKey
> (""),
>                               nullable=False)
>     variable_id = sa.Column(sa.Integer, sa.ForeignKey(""),
>                             nullable=False)
>     # Relations
>     run_filter = orm.relation("RunFilter")
>     values = orm.relation("Value", secondary=var_clause_to_value)
>     variable = orm.relation("Variable")
>     # Desired SQL for `matching_run_items`:
>     # (assume `var_clause` and `run_item` are correlated to an outer
> query)
>     # run_item.variable_id = var_clause.variable_id
>     # AND EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM var_clause_to_value
>     #             WHERE var_clause_to_value.var_clause_id =
>     #             AND var_clause_to_value.value_id =
> run_item.value_id)
>     #
>     # I would like to define this relation as:
>     if False:
>         def _primaryjoin():
>             return ((RunItem.variable_id == VarClause.variable_id)
>                     & (VarClause.values.any( ==
> RunItem.value_id)))
>         matching_run_items = orm.relation("RunItem",
> primaryjoin=_primaryjoin)
>         del _primaryjoin
> # Test Case
> engine = sa.create_engine("sqlite:///:memory:")
> Base.metadata.create_all(engine)
> session = orm.create_session(engine, autocommit=False, autoflush=True)
> var1 = Variable()
> value1_1 = Value(variable=var1)
> value1_2 = Value(variable=var1)
> session.add_all([var1, value1_1, value1_2])
> var2 = Variable()
> value2_1 = Value(variable=var2)
> value2_2 = Value(variable=var2)
> session.add_all([var2, value2_1, value2_2])
> run1 = Run(id=1, result=u"good")
> run1.var2value[var1] = value1_1
> run1.var2value[var2] = value2_1
> run2 = Run(id=2, result=u"bad")
> run2.var2value[var1] = value1_2
> run2.var2value[var2] = value2_2
> session.add_all([run1, run2])
> # run_filter1 should match run1.
> run_filter1 = RunFilter(id=1)
> run_filter1.var_clauses.append(VarClause(variable=var1, values=
> [value1_1, value1_2]))
> run_filter1.var_clauses.append(VarClause(variable=var2, values=
> [value2_1]))
> session.add(run_filter1)
> # run_filter2 should match run1 and run2.
> run_filter2 = RunFilter(id=2)
> run_filter2.var_clauses.append(VarClause(variable=var1, values=
> [value1_1, value1_2]))
> run_filter2.var_clauses.append(VarClause(variable=var2, values=
> [value2_1, value2_2]))
> session.add(run_filter2)
> # run_filter3 should match no runs.
> run_filter3 = RunFilter(id=3)
> run_filter3.var_clauses.append(VarClause(variable=var1, values=
> [value1_2]))
> run_filter3.var_clauses.append(VarClause(variable=var2, values=
> [value2_1]))
> session.add(run_filter3)
> session.flush()
> engine.echo = True
> if False:
>     # Query all run filters and eager-load their matching runs.
>     q = session.query(RunFilter)
>     q = q.options(orm.eagerload("matching_runs"))
>     run_filter2run = dict((x, x.runs) for x in q)
> else:
>     # Do it manually, sort of.
>     q = session.query(RunFilter, Run)
>     q = q.from_statement(
> """SELECT AS run_filter_id,
>  AS run_id
>    FROM run_filter, run
>                      WHERE var_clause.run_filter_id =
>                      AND NOT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM run_item
>                                      WHERE run_item.run_id =
>                                      AND run_item.variable_id =
> var_clause.variable_id
>                                      AND EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM
> var_clause_to_value
>                                                  WHERE
> var_clause_to_value.var_clause_id =
>                                                  AND
> var_clause_to_value.value_id = run_item.value_id)))
> """)
>     run_filter2run = {}
>     for (run_filter, run) in q:
>         runs = run_filter2run.setdefault(run_filter, [])
>         runs.append(run)
> for (run_filter, runs) in run_filter2run.iteritems():
>     print "%s matching runs: %s" % (run_filter, ", ".join(str(run) for
> run in runs))
> >

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