
Relatively new to SA and unable to find the answer in this group's
archives. (Possibly my search-fu is weak, in which case I apologize
but hope you'll point me in right direction.)

We're building a generic DB query engine on SA using the ORM and
mappers, but we can't seem to get SA to naturally figure out the join
required to render a query that filters on data found in two tables
that are related through a 3rd-party table.

For example, given two tables:

  idpeople (primary key)

  iddoc (primary key)

We have a 3rd-party table that relates the two of them together

  idpeople (foreign key to tbl_people.idpeople; primary key)
  iddoc (foreign key to tbl_documents.iddoc; primary key)

Building a mapper object with the proper relations is no problem. But
building a query object that filters on data in just tbl_people and
tbl_documents fails because SA can't seem to infer the join between
tbl_people and tbl_documents despite the foreign keys present in

MUST we explicitly supply the join to such query objects? Or is there
some way that SA can figure out that tbl_people_documents is in
between tbl_people and tbl_documents on its own? Perhaps there is
something we can add to the tbl_people/tbl_documents object
definitions that clues SA in?

Silly example:
Say we want to find all the people records that have last names of
"SMITH" and document body content of "SPAM". We would write the SQL
like this:

FROM tbl_people p, tbl_documents d, tbl_people_documents pd
WHERE p.idpeople = pd.idpeople
AND pd.iddoc = d.iddoc
AND p.lastname = 'SMITH'
AND d.body = 'SPAM'

I understand how to build the equivalent SA query object by explicitly
supplying the query object the join criteria. But we want SA to *know*
how to infer that join criteria itself. Is this possible?

Thanks in advance,

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