Arno wrote:
> I am trying to do an left outer join from two sql queries but cannot
> find
> how to join on multiple columns.
> I am using the outerjoin function.
> The only way I found was to use a text clause for the on clause.
> Basically, I have:
> q1 = create_sql1().alias('qleft')
> q2 = create_sql2().alias('qright')
> oj = outerjoin(q1,q2,text('(qleft.a,qleft.b)=(qright.a,qright.b)'))
> I am using a postgresql database.
> Is there another way to do it to avoid the text clause?

use and_() and equate the two pairs separately, and_(lft.c.a==rgt.c.a,

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