On Sep 12, 2009, at 1:35 PM, Mike Conley wrote:

> I am trying to figure out how to implement a correlated subquery  
> with ORM. One of the complexities is that the query has a table that  
> correlates to itself and I can't figure out how to do that aliasing  
> within ORM queries.
> In a recent thread,
> http://groups.google.com/group/sqlalchemy/browse_thread/thread/c010ac1f326dbb2b
> Richie Ward asked about using subquery to find max item within a  
> group of items
> Given this class
> class Content(Base):
>     __tablename__ = 'content'
>     revision_id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True)
>     modulename = Column(Unicode(256))
>     content = Column(Unicode(102400), default='')
>     summary = Column(Unicode(256))
>     created = Column(DateTime, default=datetime.now)
> for each modulename, select the the object with highest revision_id  
> and non-blank content
> and the solution was something like this
> revision_ids = session.query(func.max(Content.revision_id)).\
>     filter(Content.content != '').group_by 
> (Content.modulename).subquery()
> pages = session.query(Content.modulename, Content.revision_id,  
> Content.content).\
>         filter(Content.revision_id.in_(revision_ids)).order_by 
> (Content.modulename)
> The generated SQL (somewhat cleaned up for readability) is
> SELECT   c1.modulename, c1.revision_id, c1.content
> FROM     content c1
> WHERE    c1.revision_id IN
>             (SELECT MAX(c2.revision_id)
>              FROM   content c2
>              WHERE  c2.content != ''
>              GROUP BY c2.modulename)
> ORDER BY c1.modulename
> In a very large database with a more complex query and depending on  
> the underlying database engine, a correlated subquery will likely  
> perform better, so I want to build this SQL using ORM syntax.
> SELECT   c1.modulename, c1.revision_id, c1.content
> FROM     content c1
> WHERE    c1.revision_id =
>             (SELECT MAX(c2.revision_id)
>              FROM   content c2
>              WHERE  c2.modulename = c1.modulename
>                AND  c2.content != '')
> ORDER BY c1.modulename
> How do we do that? None of my attempts manage to get the subquery  
> where clause to include the correlation c2.modulename = c1.modulename.
> Maybe need to use alias somehow?

subquery() returns a select() with correlate turned off.  Use either  
the correlate() method on Query or on the returned select object to  
set up correlate explicitly (arguably how it should be for all  

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