Hello Connor,

yes that does help indeed, thanks a lot.
My problem is though that i cannot use relation operators because I
use a count over a certain row and group by clauses.
So I kinda had to send my query "manually" but still I cant really get
this stuff done cuz I am not really an SQL wizard.

Greetings, Tom

On Tue, Sep 15, 2009 at 5:30 PM, Conor <conor.edward.da...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Sep 15, 5:38 am, Crusty <crust...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hey everyone,
>> sorry for the title, I couldnt think of any way to describe this in
>> short.
>> I have 3 Classes, which have basically this relationship:
>> 1 Class1 has n Class2 ( 1:n)
>> 1 Class2 has n Class3 ( 1:n)
>> So basically it looks like this:
>> Class1
>>   |-- Class2
>>            |-- Class3
>> Now if I join them all together, i get something like this:
>> Class1     Class2       Class3
>> --------------------------------------
>>     1              1              1
>>     1              1              2
>>     1              2              1
>>     1              2              2
>>     2              1              1
>>     2              1              2
>>     2              2              1
>>     2              2              2
>> .... etc
>> so if I loop through the results i would have something like this:
>>   for (class1, class2, class3) in results:
>>         print class1, class2, class3
>> But what I would really like to do is:
>> for (class1, class2_results) in class1:
>>        print "results for class1:
>>        for (result, class3_results) in class2_results:
>>                print "results for class2:"
>>                for result in class3_results:
>>                       print "result"
>> which will give me an output more like this:
>> results for class1:
>>         result1
>>         results for class2:
>>                 result1
>>      ....
>> And so on.
>> In short, I want to get get xxx rows of class1 repeating, but I want
>> to get one result per class1, containing nested results.
>> Is that possible and do I need subqueries for that?
>> Greetings,
>> Tom
> As long as you have ORM relations set up (I will assume you have
> Class1.class2_results and Class2.class3_results), you can use
> eagerloading to get your nested loops while still sending only one
> query to the database:
> q = session.query(Class1)
> q = q.options(eagerload_all("class2_results.class3_results"))
> for class1 in q:
>    print "results for class1:"
>    for class2 in class1.class2_results:
>        print "results for class2:"
>        for class3 in class2.class3_results:
>            print "result"
> The generated SQL will look like:
> SELECT <Class1 columns>
> <...>
> If you need to join the classes manually (to use Class2 and/or Class3
> in an ORDER BY clause, for example), you can use contains_eager to
> notify sqlalchemy about those joins:
> q = session.query(Class1)
> q = q.outerjoin(Class1.class2_results)
> q = q.outerjoin(Class2.class3_results)
> q = q.options(contains_eager("class2_results"))
> q = q.options(contains_eager("class2_results.class3_results"))
> for class1 in q:
>    print "results for class1:"
>    for class2 in class1.class2_results:
>        print "results for class2:"
>        for class3 in class2.class3_results:
>            print "result"
> Hope it helps,
> -Conor
> >

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