Teemu Yli-Elsilä wrote:
> Hello,
> I'm deploying a Pylons/TG app that uses SQLAlchemy into a customer's
> server network. Due to their network architecture, TCP sessions from SA
> to the Oracle server are getting timed out by their Ciscos. My
> application needs to work around this.
> I heard that Mike Bayer had stated that SQLAlchemy won't be able to cope
> with database outages properly, however, the next request after a
> timeout/disconnection will try again. I assume this is causing the
> sporadic errors I am receiving, such as:
> "AttributeError: 'unicode' object has no attribute '_sa_instance_state'"
> inside sqlalchemy.orm.attributes
> 'UndefinedError: None has no member named "name"' from a Genshi template
> containing $item.name where 'item' is a model class instance.

actually no, neither of those errors would be caused by a database outage.
If a connection died, an exception would be thrown and your entire request
would fail with a 500 server error.  Stack traces would be thrown and
you'd see those very plainly in your logs.

If you were wrapping the retreival of data in a try/except and then
returning None if an exception occurred (an *extremely* bad idea), that
might cause the second error of those two, but still not the first.

> Is there a way to configure a connection keepalive, regular pinging of
> the DB, or otherwise make sure that pool connections are recycled within
> a given time limit?

recycle is documented at these locations:




the "ping" feature you can implement using a PoolListener, which is
described here (this is a more obscure feature):


hope this helps.

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