That worked, Thanks, ITS AWESOME :-)

On Sep 17, 6:03 am, Conor <> wrote:
> On Sep 15, 11:03 pm, Jarrod Chesney <> wrote:
> > Hi All
> > I've been reading the documentation for ages and i can't figure out
> > why when i print the results a query from my inherited table, It just
> > prints them as the base type.
> > I was hoping someone here would be nice enough to help me solve this
> > problem.
> > I thought the last print statement would print an instance of the
> > _UtConfReconcilerActionSnapshot class but it doesn't
> > I've got one record in both tables and 'id' = 1 in each table.
> > What am i doing wrong?
> You are missing "polymorphic_on" in
> _UtConfReconcilerActions.__mapper_args__. Without this, SQLAlchemy
> cannot do polymorphic loads. Try this as your __mapper_args__:
> {'polymorphic_on': 'object_type', 'with_polymorphic': '*'}
> Hope it helps,
> -Conor
> > <<<<<<<<<<< Begin code >>>>>>>>>>>>>
> > from sqlalchemy import Table, Column, Integer, String, MetaData,
> > ForeignKey, CheckConstraint
> > from sqlalchemy.orm import relation
> > from sqlalchemy.ext.declarative import declarative_base
> > from sqlalchemy import create_engine
> > from sqlalchemy.orm import sessionmaker
> > __DATABASE_NAME__='UtConfSom.sqlite'
> > Base = declarative_base()
> > # ============================== Reconciler Actions
> > ===========================
> > class _UtConfReconcilerActions(Base):
> >         __tablename__ = 'tblReconcilerActions'
> >         __mapper_args__ = {'with_polymorphic': '*'}
> >         # 1 to Many relationship to the managed
> >         id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True)
> >         action = Column(String, CheckConstraint("action in ('SNAPSHOT',
> > 'COMPARE', 'UPGRADE')"))
> >         object_type = Column(String, CheckConstraint("object_type in ('ALL',
> > 'SCHEMA', 'TABLE', 'COLUMN', 'INDEX')"))
> >         def __repr__(self):
> >                 return ("'%s'" % _UtConfReconcilerActions.__name__
> >                             + "\n  id='%i'" %
> >                             + "\n  managed_id='%i'" % self.managed_id
> >                             + "\n  action='%s'" % self.action
> >                             + "\n  object_type='%s'" % self.object_type
> >                             )
> > class _UtConfReconcilerActionSnapshot(_UtConfReconcilerActions):
> >         __tablename__ = 'tblReconcilerActionSnapshot'
> >         # __mapper_args__ = {'with_polymorphic': '*'}
> >         __mapper_args__ = {'polymorphic_identity': 'snapshot',
> > 'with_polymorphic': '*'}
> >         # Joined table inheritence
> >         id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey(''),
> > primary_key=True)
> >         revision = Column(String)
> >         comment = Column(String)
> >         def __repr__(self):
> >                 return (_UtConfReconcilerActions.__repr__(self)
> >                             + "\n  '%s'" % 
> > _UtConfReconcilerActionSnapshot.__name__
> >                             + "\n  id='%s'" % self.revision
> >                             + "\n  revision='%s'" % self.revision
> >                             )
> > __db_exists = os.path.exists(__DATABASE_NAME__)
> > engine = create_engine('sqlite:///' + __DATABASE_NAME__)
> > # New database, create the tables
> > if not __db_exists:
> >         Base.metadata.create_all(engine)
> >         print >> sys.stderr, ("WARINING - Creating empty '%s' database" %
> > Session = sessionmaker(bind=engine)
> > session = Session()
> > print session.query(_UtConfReconcilerActions).with_polymorphic
> > ('*').first()
> > <<<<<<<<<<<<<< end code >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
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