Tefnet Developers wrote:
> Hi,
> I need to get a single event at an extension in case of such operation:
> obj.colAttr = [x, y, z]
> right now I will receive:
> extension.remove(...) for each value currently in colAttr
> extension.append(...) for x, y and z.
> what I need is something like:
> extension.replace(oldvalues, values) with two lists or something like
> that.
> Right now my approach (yes, I know this is sick) is:
> def weComeFrom():
>     f=inspect.currentframe().f_back.f_back
>     while(inspect.getmodule(f).__name__.startswith('sqlalchemy.')):
>         f=f.f_back
>     return (f.f_lasti, f.f_code)
> class ImmutableExtension(TefAttributeExtension):
>     active_history = True
>     triggerName = 'immutable'
>     def append(self, state, value, initiator):
>         f = weComeFrom()
>         try:
>             lf = initiator.__tefLastComeFrom
>         except AttributeError:
>             lf = None
>         if len(self._getOldValue(state, initiator)) == 0:
>             initiator.__tefLastComeFrom = f
>             return value
>         elif f == lf:
>             return value
>         else:
>             self.raiseError(state, value, None, initiator)
> What is the proper way to achieve this?

if it were me, I'd just constrain access to a set of methods, such as:

def set_col_attr(*values)

But if that's too simple and straightforward (sarcasm), if you want to
catch coarse-grained get/set events on a collection attribute you need to
create your own descriptor, with the descriptor/synonym approach described
at http://www.sqlalchemy.org/docs/05/mappers.html#using-descriptors.   
That way your own descriptor can marshal access to/from the actual
attribute.   As for events on the collection itself you can still use
attributeextension or alternatively a custom collection class.

> regards,
> Filip Zyzniewski
> >

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