On Mon, 12 Oct 2009 13:47:19 -0500
Conor <conor.edward.da...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Christian Démolis wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > The idea of creating another column is good but it will multiplicate
> > the size of my table by 2 for nothing.  Is it possible to use MYSQL
> > regular expression search with sql alcmehy? If yes, what is the
> > command?
> >
> MySQL supports RLIKE/REGEXP operators; you can see how to use them in
> SQLAlchemy in this thread:
> http://groups.google.com/group/sqlalchemy/browse_thread/thread/7c6abe2ab9d5061
> Be aware that regexp matching cannot utilize indexes, so you may have
> performance problems.
> If you want to get fancy, you can try creating an index on the
> expression REPLACE(REPLACE(<tel_column>, ' ', ''), '.', '')
> which should create an index on the normalized phone numbers. In
> theory, as long as your queries use the exact same function sequence
> as the index, the index will be scanned instead of the full table. I
> don't know what limitations MySQL has in this regard. Even if it does
> work, the only real advantage it provides over using another column
> is the normalized form is "hidden" in the index instead of the table.
> Hope it helps,
> -Conor

Indeed this problem is easily solved with expression indexes (a.k.a.
"functional" or "calculated" indexes). Unfortunately MySQL does not
appear to support them. Their suggested workaround is to add a column to
store the precomputed expression, with a trigger to keep it up to date,
and index that column. This also means the optimization is not
transparent: you have to explicitly use the precomputed column in your

It seems expression indexes have been MySQL's todo list since at least
2007 :(

You can of course still use RLIKE/REGEXP instead of adding this
redundant column, but you'll get a full table scan every time. A
classic space/time performance tradeoff :)


> > 2009/10/10 Andre Stechert <stech...@gmail.com
> > <mailto:stech...@gmail.com>>
> >
> >
> >     This is not really a sqlalchemy question, but the quick answer
> > is that you need to convert both your indexed data and your queries
> > to the same normal form.  In your example, you appear to be
> > correctly stripping spaces and periods in your query.  If you
> > haven't done that in the database, then you should do it there,
> > too.  If you need to preserve the original formatting of the
> > telephone number column, then create another column that contains
> > the stripped phone numbers.  You probably also want to put an index
> > on that column.
> >
> >     Lastly, a minor note on the sample code: you appear to be
> > missing a "%" operator in your LIKE query.
> >
> >     Cheers,
> >     Andre
> >
> > On Fri, Oct 9, 2009 at 5:46 AM, Christian Démolis
> > <christiandemo...@gmail.com <mailto:christiandemo...@gmail.com>>
> > wrote:
> > > Hi everybody,
> > >
> > > I m stuck with a query about telephone number : I want to find in
> > > my database all the contact who have a telephone number.  The
> > > difficulty is that some number in the database can have space or .
> > > between numbers
> > > example : or 45 87 12 45 65
> > >
> > > This my query with like but it s not what i want because i ignore
> > > telephone number who have special chars
> > >
> > > NumeroApparu = "0645444444"
> > > s = session.query(Contact.IdContact, Contact.Civilite,
> > > Contact.Nom, Contact.Prenom,
> > >
> > > ContactTel.Tel).filter(ContactTel.IdContact==Contact.IdContact).filter(Contact.IdDossier==self.dossierPourChargement.IdDossier).filter(ContactTel.Tel.like(NumeroApparu))
> > >
> > > i saw class sqlalchemy.sql.expression.ColumnOperators¶ in the doc
> > > but lack of explication...
> > >

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