Mod_python has nothing to do with this project, so I run it
from idle within X

On Oct 15, 2009, at 5:23 PM, King Simon-NFHD78 wrote:

>> -----Original Message-----
>> From:
>> [] On Behalf Of Martijn Moeling
>> Sent: 15 October 2009 16:21
>> To:
>> Subject: [sqlalchemy] Re:[runs one one installation not on
>> the other] Declerative Relation trouble
>> Hi All,
>> bad problem....
>> I have trouble making relations in SQLA. My code runs on Simons
>> computer but his (and mine) not.
>> I downgraded SLQA from 0.5.6. to 0.5.5 to have the same
>> version, still
>> no luck.
>> I run Python 2.6.2 and Simon 2.5.1 Downgrading Python is a hassle at
>> the moment (Mod_python)
>> so is there anything I can try?
>> (Database changes give me the same results on both mysql and sqllite
>> so that seems no problem)
>> Martijn
> Are you running the test script from mod_python, or from the command
> line?
> >

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