I should probably ask something else too… how much overhead is there
using subtransactions as opposed to one "global" transaction?

On Oct 14, 3:18 pm, "Michael Bayer" <mike...@zzzcomputing.com> wrote:
> Oliver Beattie wrote:
> > Hi All,
> > I'm just wondering what happens if I were to call session.close()
> > whilst inside a subtransaction? Would it indeed close the session and
> > abort all of the "parent transactions" or would it do nothing?
> > Looking at the code (and I haven't looked at it in any great detail,
> > sorry) I imagine that it does indeed abort all parent transactions. If
> > so, is there any way to tell whether the session is "in a
> > subtransaction state" or not, so I could only call close() if it is
> > the "root"?
> > Sorry if this is a bit confusing or if I'm being horrendously
> > ignorant :)
> close() removes all transactional markers present.  The connection is
> returned to the pool and a rollback() occurs on it which will release any
> state left on the connection.
> If you have an application that is making explicit usage of
> subtransactions, that is session.begin(allow_subtransactions=True), that
> would imply a nesting of functionality within methods which each issue an
> explicit begin/commit pair (note that this is different from a "nested"
> transaction, which uses SAVEPOINT.  Since you said "subtransactions" I'm
> going with that concept).   In the first place, such a usage pattern is
> extremely rare, even though SQLA makes use of it internally - its a lot
> easier to construct an application where there is a single point of
> begin/commit for a particular session, instead of having that kind of
> boilerplate in multiple places.   Secondly, if you are in fact using that
> sort of pattern, I wouldn't try to call close() within arbitrary points of
> the callstack.  Ensuring that rollback() or commit() is called at the end
> of each block will ensure that transactional/connection state is released
> when the full nest of operations complete.
> Session has an "is_active" accessor which will indicate if a transaction
> is present.  to tell if its a "subtransation" you'd need to say
> "sess.transaction and sess.transaction.is_active and
> sess.transaction._parent".
> > —Oliver
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