I'm trying to setup fast insertions using sqlalchemy/sqlite and it
seems to be taking an unnecessarily long amount of time to do many of
the inserts.

It looks like the main call that inserts into a few tables takes about
1-2 seconds each for the first few calls, but then drops down to
around 50ms, which is more acceptable.

Do I have something in my setup that significantly slows down the
earlier calls?

This is what I use to create all the tables

            engine = create_engine('sqlite:///' + statsFile,
            conn = engine.connect()
            metadata = MetaData(engine)
            metadata.create_all(engine) # save tables

# functions like this are called several times
def addUniqueValue(table, key, value, returnKey):
   except IntegrityError, error: #probably duplicate
      if 'not unique' not in str(error):
         raise error
   rows = table.select().execute() # get the primaryId for the thing I
just inserted using python to filter
   return primaryId

I'm not using mappers because I'm normalizing my database and sqlite
doesn't support foreign keys directly.  Basically:
1) I have an object come in
2) normalized attributes are stored in multiple different tables
3) I read their primary ids back
4) I insert the object into a table replacing the normalized
attributes with their respective primary id

It all needs to happen pretty fast and can be done in one transaction,
I guess, but from what I understand, sessions and transactions only
apply well to mappers.

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