What is the purpose of class_mapper?  I can't find it in the .4 docs
for the tutorials I'm looking at, yet when I don't call it as


notes, I get a

            # 'ColumnProperty' object has no attribute 'key'

Is my setup incorrect that causes me to need class_mapper, while the .
4 docs don't include it?  Or am I doing something different enough
from the tutorials to require it?

I'm running
Python: 2.5.1
sqlite: 2.3.2
sqlalchemy 0.4.8

                # create the database file and associated tables
                statsFile = Path('./stats.db')
                engine = create_engine('sqlite:///' + statsFile,
                conn = engine.connect()
                metadata = MetaData(engine)
                metadata.create_all(engine) # save tables (up to here
works by looking at the database outside python using the sqlite3
command tool

                session = Session()

                class User(object):
                    self.userName = ''
                user = User()
                user.userName = 'Joe'
                mapper(User, usersTable)
                class_mapper(User) # if I don't add this to the
tutorial code, I get the error

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