Don Dwiggins <> writes:

> Doing some exploration on the intersection of Twisted and SA, I came 
> across a message by David Bolen in February of 2007, describing a 
> "simple database class that contained a background thread for 
> execution".  I'd like to know if that work, or some successor of it, has 
> proven useful and may be worth adopting.

Well, the server using it, in a slightly modified version from that
message, remains in production, and has been continuously since July
of 2007.  So it's certainly worked for its intended purpose for me -
that is, offloading the SA database I/O to a dedicated thread to avoid
any possible blocking in the main Twisted reactor thread.  In my
application, the Twisted code handles web requests (public and
internal) as well as PB connections from an internal client
application (on OSX also using Twisted).

Probably the biggest change between my message and putting it in
production was to stop using the ORM.  I found it too fragile to try
to leverage ORM features while ensuring I didn't accidentally generate
database I/O from the Twisted thread.  It worked, but unless I eager
loaded the world, if I then forgot and tried to reference a relation,
bad things would happen :-) SA wasn't doing anything wrong, it was
just a headache to manage while trying to use ORM features.  And it
wasn't giving me a ton of benefit anyway - most of my model objects
were based on those I communicated across the Twisted PB connection
anyway, so I already had to convert the SA ORM objects, so I just went
back to using only the SA SQL layer instead.  As comes up periodically
on the Twisted list, I still don't think there's any good generalized
solution for incorporating the ORM into Twisted - there's too much
magic that happens inline during attribute access that invokes
database layer I/O.

I always considered it a solution to a very specific usage pattern
that worked for my particular case, but not necessarily something
generalized enough for inclusion elsewhere.  It's pretty brute force;
no ORM support (well, or be very careful if using the ORM), and each
operation queued to the database thread needs to be self-contained
(since ops from different twisted deferred chains could interleave
over the same database connection).  But within those constraints it
works just fine.

As you can see from that older message, there's not too much involved.
It's basically a standard worker thread pattern using queues, with
only a single worker thread, some knowledge about the SA engine and
the use of Twisted Deferreds to return the result.

-- David

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