
I don't know if what I'm trying to do is wrong-headed or needlessly pedantic, 
but I've just spent most of a day discovering that ordering_list is erroring 
because it doesn't like my schema.  And this just when I've decided SQLAlchemy 
must finally be the tool that supports properly normalised data! :-)

I'm hoping for two outcomes from this:  the first, a note somewhere so that the 
next person doesn't struggle for quite as long as I did, and second, some 
advice on how I can improve my situation (short of the pragmatic "use a 
synthetic key" approach).

Based on the demo in the doctests:

  >>> metadata = MetaData()
  >>> users = Table('users', metadata,
  ...               Column('id', Integer, primary_key=True))
  >>> blurbs = Table('user_top_ten_list', metadata,
  ...               Column('id', Integer, primary_key=True),
  ...               Column('user_id', Integer, ForeignKey('users.id')),
  ...               Column('position', Integer),
  ...               Column('blurb', String(80)))
  >>> class User(object):
  ...   pass
  >>> class Blurb(object):
  ...    def __init__(self, blurb):
  ...        self.blurb = blurb
  >>> mapper(User, users, properties={
  ...  'topten': relation(Blurb, collection_class=ordering_list('position'),
  ...                     order_by=[blurbs.c.position])})

I try to keep my databases normalised, so on blurbs I'd prefer to have a 
natural primary key:

  >>> blurbs = Table('user_top_ten_list', metadata,
  ...               Column('user_id', Integer, ForeignKey('users.id'), 
  ...               Column('position', Integer, primary_key=True),
  ...               Column('blurb', String(80)))

But when I do this, all appears to be fine until I attempt:

  >>> u.topten.insert(1, Blurb('I am the new Number Two.'))

Now, the insert() succeeds, but if an engine is bound the next session.commit() 
will fail with a cryptic error message (New instance conflicts with persistent 

I've never been a fan of having to corrupt my schema to suit the tools, though 
that would certainly be the easiest solution here.  Looking at 
ext/orderinglist.py, I have no idea how it should be modified to behave 
properly with my schema.  It looks like a workaround would be to use a Float 
for 'position' and provide an ordering_func .. but I'm a little hazy what 
edge-cases this might face me with.  Alternatively, I might be better off 
writing my own custom collection class -- at least this way I ought to learn 
something useful about SA.

Any suggestions?



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