On Tue, Oct 27, 2009 at 16:52 -0400, Michael Bayer wrote:
> Wolodja Wentland wrote:
> > * Is there an even better way to do this? ;-)
> create_engine() for PG supports an "isolation_level" parameter.  But it
> only does the four levels PG provides, it doesn't yet have a hook for
> Psycopg2's "autocommit" mode.

I will keep that in mind for other problems, but it is not applicable

> > * Is it necessary to set the isolation level to the value it had
> >   before I set it to ISOLATION_LEVEL_AUTOCOMMIT to make sure that no
> >   connection uses ISOLATION_LEVEL_AUTOCOMMIT in the future without
> >   explicitly setting that?
> the way you have it, yes.  Alternatively, you can call detach() on the
> connection you returned and it will be de-associated from the connection
> pool.  Otherwise I would absolutely use try/finally above so that the
> isolation level is returned to normal if the CREATE DATABASE fails.

Yes, I will definately use try: ... finally: here. What was I thinking?
I might just write a context manager for that.

> > * Why the .connection.connection ? I remember that I had to write just
> >   one .connection in the past.

> it should only need to be conn.connection.   That returns a wrapper that
> will pass all method calls down to the psycopg2 connection.   would be
> interested to know the error otherwise.

There is no error actually. The time when I used just one connection I
just copied code from somewhere else. This evening I digged into the
connection object in the interpreter and found the .set_isolation_level
method only within the second .connection so I adapted my code to
reflect that.

So the first .connection is the SA one and the second the one provided
by psycopg2?

> > And one more word... This is the fastest mailing list I have ever used.
> > Thank you so much for reacting so fast on this ML, thank you very much
> > for SA and thanks for the solution to my problem!
> youre welcome

I mean it. This is amazing! No wonder #sqlalchemy is so dead. Which
really is a pity BTW. Are you on IRC as well?


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