bojanb wrote:
> On Oct 29, 5:32 pm, "Michael Bayer" <> wrote:
>> how would the UOW "honor" RESTRICT ?  if you tell it to delete a parent,
>> and you didn't tell it to delete a child, and you have a non-nullable FK
>> or RESTRICT, you'd expect it to....throw an error, right ?   isn't that
>> what happens here ?
> Well I don't know if we understand each other. If I have a ForeignKey
> defined with ondelete='RESTRICT', and I delete the parent, no errors
> are thrown.
> This only becomes apperent when you have a foreign key that is NOT
> defined as non-nullable. Even if you define it to be non-nullable, the
> error thrown when you try to delete the parent is not "update or
> delete on table <parent_table> violates foreign key constraint", but
> "null value in column <child_column> violates not-null constraint".
> I've created a ticket (
> with more details and a test case to make it clearer.

thanks for this.

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