On Nov 5, 1:39 pm, "Michael Bayer" <mike...@zzzcomputing.com> wrote:
> Rodney wrote:
> > In Oracle, I can write a query like this:
> > SELECT ...
> > FROM ...
> > WHERE id IN (SELECT f_id FROM f ('param'))
> > to constrain the returned rows to those that have an id in the set
> > returned by the table function f.
> > I would like to generate such a query with sqlalchemy like this:
> > q = session.query (...)....filter (id.in_ (sq))
> > but I cannot figure out how to define sq.
> > I've tried something like this:
> > sq = session.query ('F_ID').from_statement ('SELECT column_value FROM
> > TABLE (f (:p1))').params(p1 = 'param')
> > but I get:
> > TypeError: 'Annotated_TextClause' object is not iterable
> > Any suggestions?
> not getting that error:
> >>> from sqlalchemy.orm import create_session
> >>> s = create_session()
> >>> q = s.query ('F_ID').from_statement ('SELECT column_value FROM TABLE
> (f (:p1))').params(p1 = 'param')>>> print q
> SELECT column_value FROM TABLE (f (:p1))

Thanks for the quick response, Mike.

Sorry, I wasn't explicit enough.  I got the TypeError when using sq in
my full query, not when creating sq.

> although the "subquery" you're trying to do here, if you intend to stay as
> a straight string, I would just render as is within
> Session.execute("select * from (select x, y, z from ...)").  Query doesn't
> really have the fluency with completely textual expressions you're looking
> for here.

My full query is much more complex and includes various dynamically-
determined constraints, so I'd rather not convert the whole thing to

I'm using text for the subquery merely because I don't know any other
way to generate the query for the table function.  (I'd appreciate
pointers to something else.)

I working through an attempt to map a class onto that table function
select, but I haven't done that sort of mapping before and I'm not
sure what's going to happen to the function's parameter since I need
it to be a bind variable.

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