Fernando Takai wrote:
> Hi all!
> I've experiencing this problem for some time now and even after
> debugging, i could not find why it happens.
> I have a medium sized multi-thread application that manipulates
> SQLAlchemy objects - the objects are passed from thread to thread, so,
> when i load an instance i close the session.
> After working on the object, i need to update the status of the it, so
> i do something like this:
> job.status = FINISHED
> session.add(job)
> log.info("Finished job %s" % job.filename)
> session.flush()
> This code works pretty well, but from time to time, i get this on the
> logs:
> "UnboundExecutionError: Instance <Job at 0x413ee50> is not bound to a
> Session; attribute refresh operation cannot proceed"
> The complete stacktrace is here: http://pastebin.org/54196
> Could this be happening because of my pool_recycle setting (300
> seconds) ?

its not related to the pool.  Your objects have expired or unloaded
attributes present on them which will attempt to load when accessed.   The
object must be attached to a Session for this to proceed.

the easiest way to deal with this is to merge() the objects into a new
thread-local Session before using.

Alternatively, ensure all required attributes are loaded.  This often
requires touching the attributes explicitly in the case of joined table
inheritance or lazily-loaded relations().   Also note that calling
session.commit() or session.rollback() expires all attributes, so avoid
these in the case of objects becoming detached, or expunge() the objects
before an expiration occurs.

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