Excerpts from Mike Conley's message of Sat Nov 21 03:36:07 -0300 2009:
> On Fri, Nov 20, 2009 at 5:14 PM, Mariano Mara <mariano.m...@gmail.com>wrote:
> > ... or, at least, is weird for me :)
> > Hi everyone. I'm running a pylons controller
> > with the following instruction:
> >
> >        meta.Session.query(ESMagicNumber).filter(
> >            ESMagicNumber.uuid==request.params['uuid_']).\
> >                update({'last_access':datetime.datetime.now()})
> >
> > but I'm getting the following error:
> >
> > (ProgrammingError) syntax error at or near "WHERE"
> > LINE 1: UPDATE es_magicnumber SET WHERE es_magicnumber.uuid = E'705...
> > ^ 'UPDATE es_magicnumber SET WHERE es_magicnumber.uuid = %(uuid_1)s'
> > {'uuid_1': u'705fa1e6-977f-416a-9847-fe8715cc920a'}
> >
> > I am able to create the same bad SQL, but only if the key in the update
> dictionary is not a column in the table being updated. Are you sure
> 'last_access' is a valid column in ESMagicNumber?
> This is because the SET clause is generated from the update dictionary, and
> if there are no valid columns, there is nothing to generate and the SET
> clause becomes nothing.

I checked that first but turns out I was checking the wrong file :(
Somebody should not work past midnight.

Thank you very much for your answer and sorry for the waste of time.



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