On Dec 3, 2009, at 2:39 PM, Victor Olex wrote:

> By database we refer to a separate instance (could be on another
> server) of equvalent database i.e. production and development
> environments.
> Using sqlalchemy.ext.declarative, what would be a correct pattern to
> enable one model to connect to two equivalent databases?
> Consider:
> --- model.py ---
> Base = declarative_base()
> metadata = Base.metadata
> class MyTable(Base):
>    __tablename__ = 'my_table'
>    id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True, nullable=False)
>    description = Column(CHAR(length=100), nullable=False)
> _Session = sessionmaker()
> def make_session(uri):
>    metadata.bind = engine
>    session = Session(bind=engine)
>    return session
> --- program.py --
> import model
> """copy some data between databases"""
> srcdb = model.make_session(srcdb_uri)
> destdb = model.make_session(srcdb_uri)
> items = srcdb.query(model.MyTable).all()
> for i in items:
>    destdb.merge(i)
> destdb.commit()
> ---
> We have two distinct sessions bound to to different databases but
> because metadata is a module level variable it gets rebound to the
> database of last call.

never bind your metadata to an engine if you do not require this functionality. 
  it is an entirely optional convenience feature.

> Also I am somewhat unclear on the difference between metadata binding
> to engine and session binding to engine, especially when they end up
> different. What is relevance of MetaData binding?

it is discussed here:


in the upcoming 0.6 documentation, I've expounded upon this a bit:

Should you use bind ? It’s probably best to start without it. If you find 
yourself constantly needing to specify the same Engine object throughout the 
entire application, consider binding as a convenience feature which is 
applicable to applications that don’t have multiple engines in use and don’t 
have the need to reference connections explicitly. It should also be noted that 
an application which is focused on using the SQLAlchemy ORM will not be dealing 
explicitly with Engine or Connection objects very much in any case, so it’s 
probably less confusing and more “future proof” to not use the bind attribute.


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