On Dec 15, 2009, at 17:59 , Michael Bayer wrote:

> My understanding is that INHERITS is usually used
> in practice to provide transparent "sharding" of table data and not
> necessarily to express class hierarchies, but this is strictly anecdotal
> knowledge.


The PostgreSQL documentation[1] mentions many caveats with INHERITS, most 

    "A serious limitation of the inheritance feature is that indexes (including 
unique constraints) and foreign key constraints only apply to single tables, 
not to their inheritance children. This is true on both the referencing and 
referenced sides of a foreign key constraint."

For those reasons it is also actively *discouraged* for expressing class 

To put that into context, consider the following:

CREATE TABLE vehicle (
     id integer NOT NULL,
     owner_id integer,
     price integer,
     primary key (id) -- I added this

CREATE TABLE vehicle_bus (
     passengers integer
INHERITS (vehicle);

CREATE TABLE vehicle_whatever(
    id integer primary key references vehicle(id),
    whatever text

INSERT INTO vehicle_bus VALUES (1, 1, 42, 123);

SELECT * FROM vehicle;
 id | owner_id | price 
  1 |        1 |    42
(1 row)

SELECT * FROM vehicle_bus;
 id | owner_id | price | passengers 
  1 |        1 |    42 |        123
(1 row)

INSERT INTO vehicle_whatever VALUES (1, 'but clearly this is in vehicle, no?');
ERROR:  insert or update on table "vehicle_whatever" violates foreign key 
constraint "vehicle_whatever_id_fkey"
DETAIL:  Key (id)=(1) is not present in table "vehicle".


[1] http://www.postgresql.org/docs/8.4/static/ddl-inherit.html

Alex Brasetvik


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