
> just in case you're not motivated to share mappings here, I would note that 
> an incorrect placement of a
> flag like "remote_side" on a relation() may be causing this.

I would have to produce anonymized mappings, but I will do so if it's
useful. What do you mean by "incorrect placement of a flag like
`remote_side`"? I do have one (exactly one) relation with a
`remote_side` flag, but the class it is defined on isn't involved in
the script I have timed here. (it is on a recursive relation)

> yet another thought, which again reveals how much easier this would be with 
> some sample code -
> if you're in a loop that is calling query(), then changing things, then 
> around again, you may have
> excessive triggering of autoflush going on, which also can result in lots of 
> _save_obj() calls.    Set the
> "autoflush" flag on your Session to be false, which you can do temporarily 
> within a particular section or
> across the whole session.    Calling commit() will issue a flush(), or 
> alternatively you can call flush() every
> few thousand new records.

Ah, a very useful tip. Setting autoflush to False does speed up things
quite a bit (a sample run of the script is 2x faster).
I haven't found how to enable it temporarily, though. I'm using a
ScopedSession instance and if I call `db_session.configure
(autoflush=False)`, or set the autoflush attribute, autoflushing still
happens. An example:

>>> db_session
<sqlalchemy.orm.scoping.ScopedSession object at 0x2e467d0>
>>> db_session.autoflush = False
>>> lg = db_session.query(Logement)[0]
[ SNIP long SELECT ]
>>> lg.tel1 = "abc"
>>> db_session.query(Zone)[0]
2009-12-17 00:11:35,161 INFO sqlalchemy.engine.base.Engine.0x...c550
UPDATE logement SET date_modif=%s, tel1=%s WHERE logement.id_logement
= %s
2009-12-17 00:11:35,162 INFO sqlalchemy.engine.base.Engine.0x...c550
[datetime.datetime(2009, 12, 17, 0, 11, 35, 161436), 'abc', 4L]
2009-12-17 00:11:35,167 INFO sqlalchemy.engine.base.Engine.0x...c550
SELECT zone.id_zone AS zone_id_zone, zone.cp AS zone_cp
FROM zone
 LIMIT 0, 1
2009-12-17 00:11:35,168 INFO sqlalchemy.engine.base.Engine.0x...c550
<xxx.Zone object at 0x3309150>

(as you see, an UPDATE is issued before the SELECT for the query)




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