> its true, the dialect was never written for ASE.   It also hasn't been used 
> by anyone I'm aware of since the original author submitted it against version 
> 0.3 of SQLA.  I'm surprised its usable at all at this point.
> If you'd like to help us with a real Sybase dialect, it would be targeted 
> towards 0.6, which is the current SQLAlchemy trunk.   It needs a significant 
> amount of work.

I would, but I have very tight deadlines at the moment - so hopefully
I'll get around to this in the new year.

> As for the "*=" syntax, which I'm going to have to disagree with you is 
> "nicer", you'll have to duplicate the approach in the Oracle driver.   Is it 
> true that no versions of Sybase support LEFT OUTER JOIN ?

I was actually hoping for a simple hack at this point - since the ==
operator is overloaded and you can simply say
table.c.field1==table.c.field2, I was kind of hoping that I could
overload another operator and it would generate a *= or a =* instead
(tight deadlines).

Sybase has annoying left outer join support. ie if you query something
like this:

SELECT yield_curve_1.reference_day,
FROM yield_curve AS yield_curve_1 LEFT OUTER JOIN yield_curve AS
yield_curve_2 ON yield_curve_1.underlying_yield_curve_seqnbr =
WHERE yield_curve_1.yield_curve_name IN ('CURVE1', 'CURVE2')

it works as expected . . .

but if you try a correlated left outer join (ie as in the original
post) where you're trying to get the underling underling curve, only
the T-SQL syntax works (I think Sybase was tested thoroughly with T-
SQL and ANSI Joins were put in as an afterthought)


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