I'm working in a pylons application and I have a DB which has the
following structure (I haven't depicted the many-to-many tables
between, for instance, a computer and a rule for the sake of

 -----------------                       ----------------------
| computers     |               | computer_sets |               | 
computer_sets_computers |
 -----------------                        ---------------------
        id                                      id      <----------\            
        name                            name             \                      
        description                     description       \                     
        rule_id ---|                    rule_id --\        \
        ip                  |                                     \         \   
                            |                                      \         
\------------      computer_set_id
                            |                                       \
                            |           --------                  \
                            |           | rules |                 \
                            |             --------                      \
                            |---------->        id      <-----------\

There are some points to highlight:
1) A computer_set is only a container of computer_set_computer
entities. However, a computer_set_computer is almost identical to a
computer entity, with only one difference: a computer entity can be in
a rule alone while a computer_set_computer cannot be in a rule; it is
considered to be in a rule only as part of a computer_set
2) I have created classes for each of these entities: Computer,
ComputerSet, ComputerSet_Computer, Rule

However, I have to do the following:  I need to be able to query my DB
for both Computer and ComputerSet_Computer objects. I mean, I need to
display the list of those computers no matter whether or not they
belong to a ComputerSet (though when iterating through those objects,
I need to know the type of the object). Furthermore, I need to get a
Query object to be able to apply slices (to control pagination :) and
gain performance.

I have tried using UNION and UNION_ALL between the computer and
computer_set_computer tables, but I get errors because the tables
don't contain the same number of columns.

Thanks for your time,


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