On Dec 21, 6:27 pm, gizli <mehm...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi all,
> This is only for people who use the zope extension for SA (http://
> pypi.python.org/pypi/zope.sqlalchemy). Consider the following:
> for task in conn.query(Task):
>       conn.begin_nested()
>       try:
>             conn.delete(task)
>             conn.commit()
>       except Exception:
>             conn.rollback()
> conn.commit()
> I noticed that when I use the zope extension and the transaction
> manager, I have to code this differently to do the same thing. Most
> noticeably, I cannot have a commit inside the for loop anymore (which
> closes/discards the save-point).  The reason is that transaction.commit
> () automatically discards all nested save-points and commits the
> entire transaction. So, I need to do something like this:
> for task in conn.query(Task):
>    conn.begin_nested()
>    try:
>        conn.delete(task)
>    except Exception:
>        conn.rollback()
> transaction.commit()
> Is this acceptable and expected? It just seems wrong to begin nested
> transactions this way. conn.commit() is strictly forbidden by the zope
> extension. May be the zope extension should allow commits if they are
> discarding a savepoint rather than actually doing a commit? Or may be
> SA should have a conn.end_nested() rather than commit? Right now, the
> terminology is confusing (when I first saw the first piece of code, I
> thought the loop was committing the changes at each iteration).
> Could you please shed some light on this situation?
> Thanks.

Take a look at transaction.savepoint(). It looks like it may only
support rolling back (not committing) savepoints.


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