Hi again,

I have two tables contacts(Fields id, typ_id, name) and types (Fields
id, value). contacts has a typ_id which points to typ.id (Many-To-One-
Relation) and an according relation (Using declarative-Style)
Now i want to query the contacts-table, but i also want to filter and
order on the related fields. For example (I'm using Turbogears2,
DBSession is the sqlalchemy-instance):
should load the contact-table, eager load the typ-tables related to
the contact-row and order the whole result-set by the typ-value
(The sql would be something like: select * from contacts join typ on
contacts.typ_id = typ.id order_by typ.value )

But i cant get that to work :/ I tried using the .options(eager_load
('typ')) but that doesnt sort it right. Using .join(Typ) works, but it
doesnt select the variables from typ, so no eager-loading.

I'm pretty new to SQLAlchemy, so i hope i provided all relevant infos.
Thanks very much for any answer, i'm kinda stuck on this problem :)



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