Attn Michael Bayer:

First off, thank-you so much for SQLAlchemy!

I've signed up for your two PyCon 2010 Atlanta tutorials, but I think
I'm going to need some guidance sooner rather than later (if

    (database details below)

We've managed to make a legacy database mostly work with SQLAlchemy
(using ShardedSession, shard_chooser, id_chooser, query_chooser, etc),
but our solution is still falling over in a couple of ways.

I am going to step back, create an isolated test environment, and
exhaust a few more ShardedSession/BaseDeclarative/SessionQuery
approaches before giving up on case #3 and instead migrating the case
#3 data to case #2 tables.

Once I have testable, isolated code, I'll try the asking the group for
concrete suggestions -- but before I do, I wondered if you could
answer the following:

-- Do you think it's possible to map this crazy layout sufficiently?
-- If so, do you have any suggestions/pointers?
-- Are you available for fee-based consultation? In-house, corporate
group tutorials?

Finally, the details -- the three styles (cases) of databases & tables
I need to map:

Case 1) A plain old database without any sharding. [I know how to do

    -- table_apples
    -- table_...
    -- table_bananas

Case 2) A bunch of normally sharded databases 1 ... N. Let's say N is
100. [Mostly done -- I'm sure I'll figure out the remaining hurdles]

    -- table_orange
    -- table_...
    -- table_yellow

    -- table_orange
    -- table_...
    -- table_yellow

    -- table_orange
    -- table_...
    -- table_yellow

Case 3) In addition to the tables common across the N shards
(table_orange, table_yellow, etc), there are a bunch of tables that
have the same table definitions, yet different (but predictable) table
names. And by a bunch, I mean thousands of each table type per shard.

    -- table_circle_1
    -- table_circle...
    -- table_circle_M
    -- table_....
    -- table_square_1
    -- table_square...
    -- table_square_M

    -- table_circle_1
    -- table_circle...
    -- table_circle_M
    -- table_....
    -- table_square_1
    -- table_square...
    -- table_square_M

    -- table_circle_1
    -- table_circle...
    -- table_circle_M
    -- table_....
    -- table_square_1
    -- table_square...
    -- table_square_M

Let's say M = 1000, table_circle_1 ... table_circle_M share the same
definition, and table_square_1 ... table_square_M share the same
definition, etc.

Hope that was clear enough.

Thanks for your time,

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